Hayward System Switch (Single)

Hayward System Switch (Single)




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Product description

CHXTSW1930 Hayward System Switch

Some parts of your pool and pool equipment are so essential and so simple that you may not even notice them. The on/off switch for your pool heater is an essential part that you use almost every time that you fire up your heater. Over time, this simple switch can become damaged, leaving you without a mechanism to get your heater running.

Many pool owners worry when they are unable to turn on their heater. But, in some lucky cases, the fix is as simple as a system switch replacement. If you have a Hayward pool heater at home, you can rely on Hayward to provide you with the replacement switch that you need to get up and running again.

Using the CHXTSW1930 Hayward System Switch

The CHXTSW1930 Hayward System Switch is a small and simple part that is suitable for use on select Hayward heater models. This system switch is essentially an on/off switch - the one that you use to turn your heater on each year.

For an experienced pool heating professional, replacing a damaged on/off switch is a simple job once the right parts have arrived. The CHXTSW1930 Hayward System Switch can be used to replace the original on/off switch in Hayward heater models H1501, H150P1, H2001, H200P1, H2501, H250P1, H100ID1 and H100IDP1. Be sure that the CHXTSW1930 Hayward System Switch is a match for the heater you have at home, and you'll have your heater repaired in no time.