Jandy High Limit-135`f For Jandy Lite2 LG/LJ Heaters
R0022700 Jandy High Limit-135f For Jandy Litez LG/LJ Heaters
Pool heaters are designed to include many parts and components that ensure your heater functions effectively and safely for your family. Every Zodiac and Jandy heater comes complete with a high-limit switch. This part ensures that the temperature of your heater is within a safe range, and shuts down your heater if the temperature is creeping too high.
Over time, the high-limit switch in your heater can become corroded or damaged, causing it to give incorrect shut-down signals to your heater. When this happens, it is essential that you find the correct replacement switch to get your heater running again.
The R0022700 Jandy High Limit switch has been designed for use on Jandy Litez, LG and LJ Heaters and many other Zodiac and Jandy brand heaters. This switch is designed to sense temperatures above 135F, providing for safe operation.
If your pool heater has been shutting down with a high-limit switch alert, the R0022700 Jandy High Limit Switch may be the part you need. Consult with your pool technician and heater manual to be sure that the R0022700 switch is a fit for your existing heater.