Pentair Pilot Tube for Minimax 250/300 Models
Pentair Pilot Tube (Bent for MiniMax 250 and 300 heaters)
When your pool or spa heater won't fire up like it used to, it can be very disappointing and worrying. But, repairing a Pentair heater is often as simple as identifying a part that is in need of cleaning and repair. If you've had trouble with your Pentair MiniMax heater failing to light up after starting, there may be a problem with a portion of the pilot assembly. The 076085 Pentair Pilot Tube provides a replacement for the small tubing in your pilot - a perfect fit for MiniMax 250 and 300 heaters.
The 076085 Pentair Pilot Tube is a small but crucial part that allows your heater's pilot to light and get your pool running. This bent pilot tube is a perfect fit for MiniMax 250 and 300 heaters, allowing you to repair small damage to your pilot assembly without to need to replace each part.
Each Pentair and MiniMax pool and spa heater requires a unique pilot tube to function properly. Be sure that you speak with a professional and that you consult your pool heater manual before placing an order for a new tube assembly.