Raypak O Ring Gasket (2) 185-405 206-406 207-407 - Kit
Raypak O Ring Gasket Kit
As a pool owner, you probably spend more time thinking about seals, o'rings, and waterproofing than the average person. These small additions to your equipment are essential to keeping your pool in excellent shape. When it comes to your pool heater, the Raypak O-ring gaskets are absolutely essential to maintaining pressure and flow, and ensuring your heater is protected from moisture where necessary. Often, problems with your heater can be resolved with a simple gasket replacement - an easy and affordable fix.
If you've noticed that your heater is leaking water, the problem might be in an old or damaged o ring or gasket. Generally, a broken or damaged o ring will allow for minor leaks. But, these minor leaks can have a big impact on the different components within your heater - causing damage and rust, and shortening the lifespan of your entire Raypak unit.
Because Raypak's o-ring gaskets are the most affordable, and simplest components to install on your heater, we recommend investigating whether your o ring gaskets are the cause of your heater problems, if you're experiencing any.
Checking that your o rings are in good shape at the beginning and the end of the swimming season is an excellent way to ensure your heater parts are in good condition, and ready for use.