Teledyne Laars By-Pass Spring
R0453900 Teledyne Laars By-Pass Spring
A pool heater contains many dangerous parts that can only function safely if each piece is in good shape. When a small component of your heater is damaged, it can prevent your heater from functioning at all. Conveniently, Jandy and Zodiac brand pool heaters are backed by a commitment to ensuring that the necessary parts are available when older heaters are in need of repair.
If your Jandy or Zodiac heater is in need of a new bypass spring (or bypass assembly), the R0453900 Teledyne Laars By-Pass Spring can allow you to repair your heater quickly and affordably.
Using the R0453900 Teledyne Laars By-Pass Spring
The R0453900 Teledyne Laars By-Pass Spring provides an exact match for the original part in your Jandy/Zodiac brand heater. The R0453900 includes the necessary spring and o-ring required for a pool professional to get your heater back up and running.
The R0453900 is suitable for use on Jandy/Zodiac heater models LXI250, LXI300 and LXI400. Before placing your order, be sure this bypass assembly is a fit for your existing pool heater.